8 Ways Scaling Companies Compete For Hires Without Overspending

By Shenna Fitzgerald

CEOs are worried right now: Demand for their products or services is up, but will they be able to find and keep the talent they need to turn opportunity into business? For entrepreneurs with small companies on the verge of a steep growth phase, this dilemma is particularly daunting. However, just because you can’t pay as much…

Struggling To Hire And Retain Employees?

By Shenna Fitzgerald

“Hiring is a cinch right now,” said no one lately. Nearly every thriving business is having a hard time finding the new employees they desperately need and keeping the ones they already have. Regardless of the reasons, you can do things right now to attract and retain employees in this challenging labor market. Think of this…

What’s It Like To Be A Recruiter At CA?

By Shenna Fitzgerald

Recruiters at Creative Alignments come from all different backgrounds. Some have years of experience working as traditional contingency recruiters. Others have been in-house recruiters and many have deep industry experience in technology, food/CPG or professional services. Now working with Creative Alignments’ Time-Based Recruiting, they have one thing in common: an appreciation for the way this…

4 Strategies To Keep Women In The Workforce During COVID-19

By Shenna Fitzgerald

Employers are at a crossroads. One path goes forward. The other moves backward. After decades of women increasingly becoming a vital part of the labor force and a gradual narrowing of the gender wage gap, the impact COVID-19 is disproportionately having on women threatens to send our workforce reeling back in time to pre-1980s numbers.  In order to…

Actionable Steps To Diversify Your Hiring

By Shenna Fitzgerald

Building a diverse workforce takes proactive, intentional work. Creative Alignments’ CEO, Peggy Shell, shares her journey into actionable change. This article first appeared on Inc.’s Entrepreneurs’ Organization page. —— I am a well-intentioned white CEO. As a female entrepreneur with a majority-female staff and hiring practices mindful of diversity, I thought I had created an inclusive workplace. But, like many…