11 Creative Listening Tips To Find The Right Candidate

By Shenna Fitzgerald

As a business owner, you understand the critical importance of hiring employees who are a good cultural fit in your organization. Determining whether a candidate has the skills and ability to perform specific functions is important, but ultimately, for real success, the candidate’s values must align with those of the company. Depending on the organization, role and interviewer’s style, questions can…

Common Recruiting Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

By Shenna Fitzgerald

You’re really good at your job, but the time and energy it takes to add talent to your team can heap on loads of stress. As a hiring manager, you already have too much on your plate and a lot at stake. Most likely, recruiting is not your area of expertise. If this sounds like a…

Leaders, Create The Place You Want To Work

By Shenna Fitzgerald

Humor me — let’s get existential for a minute. I promise we’ll come back down to more tangible things quickly. In this lifetime, we have an opportunity to create the life we want to live. For most of us, working and making money is a requirement, so why not have it be an awesome experience?…