Case Study


Positions Filled

4 Years



Average % of First Year Salary
(vs. commission-based recruiting)

The Challenge

With roots in the small but growing tech hub of Bozeman, Montana, commonFont began to grow quickly, thanks to a combination of increased demand for their services and expanding markets. The company, which designs, implements, and manages Experience Management technologies for their clients, is selective in recruiting and actively seeks out service-oriented candidates who are intrinsically motivated, curious learners and able to produce very high-quality work, regardless of domain. They seek out diverse candidates, and generally value candidates who will add to the company’s unique culture and grow into expansive responsibilities.


commonFont needed a recruiting partner who would be totally aligned with them, who could identify these unique candidates, and who would have the knowledge to represent commonFont in a comprehensive and compelling way. The idea of a traditional commission-based recruiter did not appeal to them because the incentives seemed misaligned. They worried that tying an incentive to putting just any candidate into any seat could get in the way of finding the right people for their team.

The Solution

Creative Alignments works fluidly as part of the commonFont team and has helped them nearly triple in size as an organization. With an insider’s understanding of the company and the candidate profiles who will best round out their team, Creative Alignments augments commonFont’s recruiting and hiring team and owns the tactical aspects of recruiting, like sourcing, identifying and screening candidates. Creative Alignments also contributes to strategic aspects, like planning how best to enter new markets or refine the company’s overall recruiting process. Creative Alignments has been able to evolve with the company and scale up and down work, based on commonFont’s needs.

“The key reason we’ve continued to partner with Creative Alignments over the many years, instead of bringing recruiting in house, is because they are so aligned with us. We value having a full organization that is working on our behalf, able to bring additional perspectives and expertise to the table. The recruiter we work with really understands our values, culture and needs and is very capable of qualifying or disqualifying candidates and creating a positive candidate experience from the beginning. This combination creates a strong partnership, and their expertise helps us be more competitive and dynamic in today’s labor market.”

Abby Schlatter, Founder and CEO, commonFont